But Honey, I'm Doing This for POOH!
Why is it that I can do the right things for someone (or something) else? I mean, I'm not a stupid person. Despite what you might think upon spotting me in the grocery store checkout line with a pint of Dove's Unconditional Chocolate ice cream, I do know how to eat right. I do. And I also know that, to lose weight, I need to eat less and move more. I know the right things to do--I just don't do them. And I don't understand that. I know that being overweight increases my risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain kinds of cancers. I know that if I lost weight I'd both look and feel better. I want to weigh less. I just don't want to have to do the work.
Ah, but put me in a play where I have to scoot through a rabbit hole, run around the stage as though pulled by a kite and climb up a bedpost, and suddenly I'm motivated. I actually dug out my Pilates DVD today and attempted the 20-minute workout. I couldn't tell you the last time I did Pilates.
Whatever gets me moving is good, right? But. But, but, but...why am I not enough on my own? Why do I need some sort of external motivation in order to make the healthy choices that I should be making anyway? Why am I not reason enough, all by myself?
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