Give us the truth
Perhaps you have already seen this, a transcript of Salt Lake City's mayor Rocky Anderson's speech on patriotism, the Bush administration, and the Iraq war. If you haven't, and you oppose Bush, you need to read it. If you support Bush, you must read it, because
- there were no WMDs
- there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and the attacks of 9/11
- Iraq was not a threat to the United States
- 2600 American men and women have died in Iraq
- more than 40,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed
- this is wrong
- this is unconscionable
- this must end
Post a link to Mayor Anderson's speech on your blog. Forward the URL to your friends. Write your elected representatives to tell them you will no longer support someone who continues to support war, torture, disinformation, lies. March. Post signs in your yard. But spread the word: this is wrong. And it must end.
But I being a soldier and being over in Iraq says the news DO NOT support the troops.
Schools are us 50%
Hospitals are up +50%
Women are now able to leave their homes and work WITH OUT being stoned to death.
Children are being vaccinated.
There are sewer systems up now were before children were playing in raw sewage.
The people over there in Iraq are more supportive of our troops then our own.
Land of the free because of the brave
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