Sometimes I Fly Like An Eagle...
You have totally got to check it out. A local dj talked about this on the radio yesterday and I totally forgot about it until this morning. It's live during daylight hours, Pacific time, but good luck getting through. In the last few days they've had 2 million visitors per day, with as many as 4500 connections at any one time. I keep getting kicked off, but it's still pretty cool.
Bald eagles nest along the Des Moines river in the winter. It was the first benefit (aside from my husband) I found to life in the Midwest. The first time I saw an eagle take flight, I was moved to tears. I had never seen one outside of a controlled setting, and seeing them in the wild reduced me to articulate exclamations such as: Look, he's flying! Here he comes! There he goes! Oh, oh, oh, now he's diving for a fish. Yeah, not me at my most brilliant. Fortunately, only JT is privy to most of my less-than-stellar moments, and he appears to have a high threshold for inanity.
Enough about me. Go check out the eagles. But if you start saying things like, "Look, she's preening!" or "Look, she's sitting on her eggs!" well, consider yourself warned.
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