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Friday, February 10, 2006

Show Me the Money!

FAFSA filed. Cross that off my list of things to do. One thing down, 287 to go. Okay, slight exaggeration. Slight. I should get my Student Aid Report in a few weeks, which will tell me what I already know: no federal funds available for graduate students, but oh lookee, here's a list of lenders anxious to "help" finance my education. The confirmation page listed a frighteningly high amount for my EFC (estimated family contribution). Think they know something I don't? Guess I could ask if they think I'm going to inherit a fortune from a hitherto-unknown relative, but I don't think the government has much of a sense of humor. Here's a direct quote from the submission page: "If you purposely give false or misleading information you may be fined $20,000, sent to prison, or both." Purposely give false or misleading information? Yeah, that's not likely; I'm so anal I called to clarify a teensy little detail that won't affect aid anyway. Besides, if we had $20,000 just lying around, I wouldn't need financial aid, would I?


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